St. Mary's Catholic Primary School
We are excited to inform you that we have introduced a new reading programme at St. Mary’s called ‘Read Write Inc’.
We recognise that reading opens the door to all learning and the more a child learns the more a child wants to find out. With this in mind we have reviewed our current phonics programme and reading scheme and made the decision to improve it!
Our aim for our school is that:
‘Every child can read’
’The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go….
Dr. Seuss
What is RWI phonics?
Read Write Inc (RWI) is a phonics based programme which helps children learn to read whilst also developing a wide range of vocabulary and encouraging a love of stories. It was developed by Ruth Miskin and more information on this can be found at www.ruthmiskinliteracy.com .
Read write Inc is a teaching programme which means:
- Children in the early years learn to read confidently and fluently.
- Older children with reading difficulties make fast progress.
- Children with specific learning difficulties learn to read.
Who is Read Write Inc. for?
The Read Write Inc. programme is for primary school children learning to read. It enables every child to become a confident and fluent reader at the first attempt. Children will begin the programme in Year R and will remain on the programme until they become skilled, confident and fluent readers.
We also have another programme, Read Write Inc. Fresh Start, for upper primary school children learning to read. This uses exactly the same method but uses age appropriate texts.
Why does it work?
- The systematic and lively programme is organised by an in-school reading manager.
- All staff (teachers and assistants) are trained to teach a group.
- The children read and write for an hour each day, grouped according to their reading level.
- Children do not struggle because the work is too difficult or get bored because the work is too easy.
- A few children who need extra support to maintain progress work with a reading tutor (teaching assistant) for 10 minutes in the afternoons to ensure that they do not fall behind their peers.
What will my child bring home?
Children taught in RWI groups will bring home a text which they have learnt to read in school during the RWI sessions. They will also bring home a Book Bag Book. This book builds upon the ideas and many of the words in the Storybook he or she has just read. Your child will need more support in reading this book. Explanations of how to use the activities are included in the books.
In addition to these books the children will bring home a class ‘book banded’ book which they can have changed regularly; however the class teacher will not hear your child read this book as they will be hearing your child read the RWI book in sessions.
Children who are not grouped to be taught in the RWI groups will have guided reading lessons in class. They will bring home a class reading book to enjoy.
Library Loan Bags
Children can also choose to attend the school lunch time ‘reading club’ where they can select and bring home a ‘Library Loan’ bag to enjoy. Details of this are on our school website.
How can I help my child at home?
- Establish a routine to include reading regularly throughout the day and the week.
- Have fun with the Fred talk at home e.g. where is your c-oa-t? Time for b-e-d!
- Encourage your child to “Fred Talk” or sound out any unfamiliar words
- Recognise “red words” together- “Remember you can’t Fred a red! “
- Comment in your child’s school planner to keep a dialogue going with the class teacher
- Read as many stories to your child as you can. Traditional tales, stories from other cultures, poetry, their favourite story- talk about the stories with them
- Explain the meaning of new words.
Most importantly show the fun that can be gained by listening to stories!
Please ask your child about their reading and allow them time to read to you to show you what they have learnt!
If you have any questions regarding any of the above then please get in touch. We look forward to sharing your child’s success with you.
Thank you in advance for your support
Denise Morgan
English Co-ordinator
Senior Teacher
Groups in action:
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Phonics screening check.
This assessment confirms whether individual pupils have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard. If a child does not reach the appropriate standard then additional support will be put in place in order for the child to make accelerated progress with their reading and writing. They are then retested in Year 2.
The children are assessed every 6 weeks to see that they make progress but also to show that they have plugged the gaps in their phonic knowledge. Once completed the children will take home a letter explaining that they will be moving into a group where they complete the Literacy hour based on a different scheme. Please take a look at the letter you would receive.